
Monday 21 March 2016


Name: Newsam
Date: 21.3.2016
Story Map
Creating a story map is a way to help you understand and summarize the stories you read.  When you make a story map, you identify the basic story elements, such as the characters, setting, conflict, and important plot events.
Title: Wild Bill’s Secret Wish
Characters: Bill Miggs and the Mail Man
Conflict: Bill was angry because he didn't get any letter from the mail.

Setting: Bill Miggs Home

Event 1: One day there was a man name Bill Miggs he wanted to get letters from the mailbox. He went outside everyday but all he received a newspapers. He wanted letter that has a invitation that’s about the penguin club next Thursday.  

Event 2: He was waiting for a long time then he saw the mail man outside putting his letter into his mail box.

Event 3: When Bill got his letter out it was a letter about selling women's clothes and so he got really angry and then he's started stomping and jumping all over the place. Everybody from his street was annoyed.
Event 4: He saw the mail man again and told him if he had any blank paper to write a letter the penguin club he gave the letter to the mail man. The next day he got the letter and he checked if it was the right letter from the penguin club and it said “ you are invited to come to the penguin club!” He was really happy.

Climax: He was angry because he didn't get the letter he wanted and never got invited to the penguin club.

Resolution: He got invited to the penguin club and got the letter he wanted.

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