
Tuesday 2 May 2017

My Dog Profile

Today we have been given a activity about dogs. We had to pick a dog and I picked a "Golden Retriever." We had to look for facts about that dog and had to present it to the whole class.
I hope you enjoy my dog profile and I hope you enjoy these facts....

These are important facts about this dog and you should get a dog like this one because it is really intelligent and it can help you when your deaf. Read more facts about Golden  in this link - Golden Retriever Facts :)

School Holiday Recount

During the last day of school my parents created a surprise for us and didn't tell since we got back from school. We saw my parents packing up foods, clothes, some warm blankets and pillow. We went to the shops to buy Easter eggs for my younger cousins and my parents didn't tell us the place. We were trying to know the place we were going to.

After that my parents were ready to tell us. We were so excited to know where we were going and what we were going to do there. Finally parents exposed the secret. We were going to Hastings for a 4 day holiday. We were wondering about how long the ride was going to be. We had a 6 hour drive and we were not happy about how long the ride was. We wanted to do something fun during that 6 hours and all we did was take pictures and eat some food and drink water to be hydrated. We were very tired and we wanted to rest our heads, so we had a nap to relax while my dad is driving for 6 hours.

Later on we all woke up and it was almost 10 and we were still driving because my dad didn't know where to go. My dad didn't know where he was driving and we noticed that we were lost. We went to the gas station 3 or 4 times to fill our fuel. We had breaks and relaxed for a few minutes and we had to go again. We went to a around about and went to all four sections. We were really tired and we called my uncle to tell us the way to the house. We didn't know what to do, so we went twice to the 4 same roads we been to and check properly.

Then it was almost 11 in the evening. My dad was so scared that he thought that we were going to be lost forever. We kept on calling my uncle to tell us the way to the house and he told us where he lived, but the thing was that we didn't know where the road was. We were struggling really bad. We wanted to know which road was the house and where could the house be.

We wanted to wait neat some hotel nearby. We waited for 5 or 6 minutes. During that 5 or 6 minutes, we went outside to get some fresh air.  We soon saw a van and it was my uncle coming to help us. We first said hi to him and thanked him for helping us find the way home. We were happy that he came back. We went and followed my uncle to his house and a a rest.

I felt really happy because we had help from my uncle and we got to be together as a whole family playing and laughing together. We had a good time during those 4 days and it was really cool there!!!