
Monday, 29 August 2016

Science Experiment: Fishing Game

Science Experiment

* Strong connection
* Pick up metal
* Iron or steel
* Lodestone- natural magnet
* Pull or attract
* Poles: North or south
* Like charge: repel unlike charge attract
1. Follow the force (1)
2. The indecisive magnet (3)
3. The invisible dance partner (1)
4. The Jitters (2)

Today I used paper, pencil, thread, paper clip, tape, magnet and scissors.

We had to grab paper and draw a plane. We cut out our paper plane and we had
to stick the paper clip on our plane. We used the magnet to see if our plane can

Friday, 26 August 2016

Maori Language

Maori Word: Paepiro
English Word: Try line

Maori Phrase: Ki te paepiro ra ano
English Phrase: To the try line

Image result for tryline

Friday, 19 August 2016

Te Reo Maori

Ngeru: Cat

Maku nga ngeru e whangi!
I will feed the cat!

E kimihia ana te kiore e te ngeru
The cat is searching for the rat

Junk food vs Healthy food!!!

Should junk food be at school?
Should healthy food be at school?

I think we should have 50%50 for each, healthy food and junk food.

Healthy food are really good for your body like Vitamin A, B and C. Lots of food that are healthy has lots of protein and protein will help your muscles. Fruits are good for you but some fruits have sugar. You maybe thinking? Are fruits bad as well? Fruits has sugar but not the sugar we have. Fruits have low fat sugar which is good for us.

Junk can maybe be delicious, but sometimes junk food can have a lot of sugar. Sugar can contain gluten in junk food.  If you eat too much sugary food you get diabetes. People buy junk food alot so the shopkeeper can have a lot of money. There is a lot of junk food in this world and shops can make people buy it easily.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Maori Language

Karawhiua: Give it heaps! Give it all!
Karawhiua:  Give it all you got!!!

Image result for try your best quotes

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Maths Problem

Maths Problem

WALT find the different volumes of the box






Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title: Symphony under the stars

Author: Cynthia Todd Mcguire

Today I read about Sarah by the age of ten she started playing violins

I feel happy about what I read today because Sarah favourite musical instrument is a violin and she plays it in concert

My favourite character was Sarah because she loves violins like I do and she is good at playing

I would feel excited if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because I will play in front of an audience in a concert

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen she became a famous person in the world and start playing her favourite instrument in different countries

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Make a string telephone

Make a string telephone

What you’ll need?

  • 2 paper cups
  • A sharp pencil to help poke holes
  • String


  1. Cut a long piece of string
  2. Poke a small hole in the bottom of each cup
  3. Thread the string through each cup and the knots at each  end to stop it pulling through the cup
  4. Move into position with you and a friend holding the cups at a distance that makes the string tight
  5. One person talks into the cup while the other puts the cup to their ear and listens

What’s happening?

Speaking into the cup creates sound waves which are converted into vibrations at the bottom of the cup. The vibration travel along the string and are converted back into sound waves at the other end so your friend can hear what you said. Sound travels through the air but it travels even better through solids such as your cup and string, allowing you to hear sounds that might be too far away when travelling through the air.
Image result for string telephone


WALT find the different volumes of a box

From a square sheet of paper 20cm by 20cm, we can make a box without a lid by cutting a square from each corner and folding up the flaps.

If you cut the box 10cm by 1ocm the answer will be:

0 x 0 x 1=0

L x B x H

And the box will be taller.

Dogs are better than cats!!!

Do you think that dogs are better than cats?

I think that dogs are better than cats because they guard you.

The reason why dogs are better because they sometimes guard your house when people are coming to your house to steal, but sometimes they can be rough. There are different kind of dogs in the world. When you get blind dogs can show you the direction to the way you want to go. Dogs are respectful and strong.

That's why you should pick dogs and dogs are better than cats.

Image result for dogs vs cats