
Monday, 31 August 2015

Gabriella and the man!

On day when Gabriella woke up she looked out her window and it was a fine hot sunny day. She got ready and so her mother called out Gabriella’s name, “Gabriella it’s time to go to the mall” her mother said. They went in the car and drove off.

Meanwhile Gabriella and her mother went to the shop to get some snacks and clothes for their family. After that a man with a black hoodie with red stripe on  it came toward her mother and Gabriella didn’t know that he was coming near her mother. The man stole her mother’s walt and he ran away real fast and so she put her hand inside her pocket and so she said “ oh my gosh where is my wallet!” said mum. In a meanwhile Gabriella went to look for the person that took her mother’s wallet and so she came back and she said “mum I can’t look for the person who have took your wallet” said Gabriella. Later on the mum said “ Gabriella I'm going to the mall”. Next the man went to Gabriella’s house and knocked on the door. After she opened the door and said “ hello who are you and why are you here” Gabriella said and then the man replied “ can I talk to your mum please” and Gabriella said “ my mum is at the mall and no don’t come near my mum okay”.  Mum come back from the mall and so she said “ oh my gosh where are you Gabriella!”. Mum was really worry and mum heard a knock on the door and opened it for no good. It was the man and mum looked into his eyes and knew that he tooked Gabriella. So mum said “ okay if you're here and you know that I live do you know anything about us like our passcode, what is our passcode said mum, “ I am going to call the police on you that you came over and kidnapped my daughter Gabriella. After that the police came and took the man to jail and then mum saw her wallet inside the man’s pocket and so she grab it out and ran inside the house.

Mum went to look for Gabriella and found her tied up at the tree. Gabriella said “ mum thank you for looking for me” and so they lived happily ever after!

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