
Monday, 31 August 2015

My amazing story about Stepping out

This is my slide show that I have being making and it is all about a man name Mr Flatfoot who made a electronic shoe that can connect to a remote.

I hope you like it!

Gabriella and the man!

On day when Gabriella woke up she looked out her window and it was a fine hot sunny day. She got ready and so her mother called out Gabriella’s name, “Gabriella it’s time to go to the mall” her mother said. They went in the car and drove off.

Meanwhile Gabriella and her mother went to the shop to get some snacks and clothes for their family. After that a man with a black hoodie with red stripe on  it came toward her mother and Gabriella didn’t know that he was coming near her mother. The man stole her mother’s walt and he ran away real fast and so she put her hand inside her pocket and so she said “ oh my gosh where is my wallet!” said mum. In a meanwhile Gabriella went to look for the person that took her mother’s wallet and so she came back and she said “mum I can’t look for the person who have took your wallet” said Gabriella. Later on the mum said “ Gabriella I'm going to the mall”. Next the man went to Gabriella’s house and knocked on the door. After she opened the door and said “ hello who are you and why are you here” Gabriella said and then the man replied “ can I talk to your mum please” and Gabriella said “ my mum is at the mall and no don’t come near my mum okay”.  Mum come back from the mall and so she said “ oh my gosh where are you Gabriella!”. Mum was really worry and mum heard a knock on the door and opened it for no good. It was the man and mum looked into his eyes and knew that he tooked Gabriella. So mum said “ okay if you're here and you know that I live do you know anything about us like our passcode, what is our passcode said mum, “ I am going to call the police on you that you came over and kidnapped my daughter Gabriella. After that the police came and took the man to jail and then mum saw her wallet inside the man’s pocket and so she grab it out and ran inside the house.

Mum went to look for Gabriella and found her tied up at the tree. Gabriella said “ mum thank you for looking for me” and so they lived happily ever after!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Today Mrs Raj taught us how to measure and make a net to create a 3 dimensional shape.
I made a triangular based pyramid.
My triangular based pyramid has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices.
I could use my triangular based pyramid to store my marbles.
I enjoyed learning about 3D shapes and creating one.
I had fun with Mrs Raj.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Description about Gabriella!

Gabriella likes to go to the gym to get fit and sometimes she usually read comics about Superheroes. She is so kind to people and she clever because she always focus on her work by not talking to people during class time.

Character Name                     .
Character Description

Gabriella has blonde straight hair, she  Wears black and yellow jeans and a t shirt with her black Converse shoes and piercing pale Grey eyes. Sometimes she is mostly happy when she laughs with people and her favourite colour is green. Gabriella is funny because she does funny faces and funny jokes to her friends to make them laugh out loud and sometimes she does it to her family   

Monday, 17 August 2015

The amazing story about Henry the explorer!

Henry the explorer by Mark Taylor

I wrote a new ending for this story. Hope you like it

Henry loved exploring in jungles and forests with his dog Angus. Henry and Angus went to explorer the forest for a very long time and his mother was very worried. It was a dark night and Henry was still out there, but Henry could not find his way back home. So his mother went to look for her son Henry. The  search team said that Henry shouldn’t have been going exploring in this time of hour but they wanted to help anyway. The search team followed Henry’s footprints leading them to Henry who was creating a sculpture of a baby bear and lost track of time. They took Henry back home and his mum relieved and happy that he came back home safely.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Looking after our teeths!

Today we went to the hall for to learn about how to avoid spending money at the dental clinic. A woman came and her name was Cythia and she came with a   name Mr Cop. She was talking about sugary food so we can’t get decay which means rotten teeth so we have to eat healthy food so we can be fit. Mrs Cythia told us that coco cola has 16 teaspoon in . We looked at some pictures of the sugary food and healthy food even we saw some question to ask to the dental clinic owner or the dental nurse. It was really fun learning about new things.

The amazing story about time out!

WALT: find the morale of the story
SC: find the hidden purpose of a story.

Time Out   by C. Todd Maguire School Journal P4 N2 2004

Is Caitlyn her real name?
I disagree because she chose the name caitlyn so her school friends won’t know about the refuge.

They can’t tell people where the refuge is because it is a dangerous place to go to.
I disagree because a refuge is like a safe place that has a house for people to live in.

There are good things about living at the refuge.
I agree because a lot of people to live in and it has 10 bedrooms even a large kitchen, bathroom, toilet and a huge living room.

VOCABULARY - describe in your own words what these words mean:
  1. refuge:Refuge means a safe place/house
  2. crowded:Crowded means people altogether house
  3. concentrate:Concentrate means focusing on something important
  4. agreement:Agreement means that you agree with people what they are saying
  5. domestic:Domestic means relating to the running of a home or to family relations.

A morale is a hidden meaning or purpose story. What is the morale of this story?
Go to a safe place away from danger and protect your family.

Create a PMI Chart to explain what is a plus, minus, and interesting about staying at a refuge.

Mum and the children went to the refuge straight away

People are safe in the big house with other people

Mum was playing with the manager with the cards together

Caitlyn and her other siblings were embarrassed eating with other people dinner and breakfast

Caitlin, her mum and her siblings had to sleep in 1 room together and they called it a family room
The interesting bit about the story was that the Caitlyn's family even her went away straight away and they were like using there wits.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Claire's Secret Ambition!

Claire's Secret Ambition!

At the end of the story Claire didn't enjoy herself that much   and Claire decided to ask her mother if she could be a film star, so her mother says yes. Claire didn't really want to be a vet. They had forgotten everything about the secret ambition. Claire perhaps wanted to be a famous brain surgeon when she grows up. Claire's mother nodded her head really dreamily and Claire has a good natural talent in heart. Claire went to the studio to become a singer or dancer.

 Vet Woman!

Famous film star!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Our amazing visit to Glen Innes Library!

On Wednesday 5 August 2015, room 7 went to the Glen Innes library to visit the people from the Auckland and they were our kaiako. We were learning about the myths and legends. 

  • We were  looking at some weapons that Maori people use and they were rakau and patu. They splitted us in to 2 huge groups for our play. My group was the Turehu and were were doing some cool defends moves with our long rakau. The Turehu leader told us to be confident. We were doing some pukana real loud. Room 7 students were in the story, but the best part of it was that and Danny was the prince and Amelia the princess. Our kaiako were telling the story so it started of by the handsome prince Danny that went to the river(awa) to get some ika, kina, tuna and kutai, but then the princess Amelia went to the river(awa) to get a kina, tuna, kutai and ika. The leader of Turehu saw prince Danny came with princess Amelia and the patupaiarehe knew that the Turehu took they princess and then we had a battle at waihorotiu, but the god of the volcanoes and earthquake who is the ruamoko were talking to the two teams to stop fighting each other and prince Danny and princess Amelia got married and had a lot of children. So Turehu and  patupaiarehe were a big family and lived happily ever after!