
Friday, 8 July 2016

Winter learning journey!

Image result for winter learning journeyHi everyone today this is my opportunity to start blogging about the WINTER LEARNING JOURNEY.
This is my first time doing this, so I hope you wish me luck blogging!


  1. Hi Newsam,

    Welcome to the Winter Learning Journey! I am so happy to see that you have decided to join our blogging team. I will look forward to reading your posts, giving you points and providing comments. I think that you will have a lot of great information and ideas to share with us over the next two weeks.

    See you online this holiday :)

    Cheers, Rachel

  2. Hi Newsam,

    I join with Rachel - and Iisa who is also a commenter for this - to welcome you to the blogging programme called the Winter Learning Journey, as you may have known, judging from the title.

    I am sure you will find the activities fun to complete and blog about. I wish you luck!



Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.