
Thursday, 30 June 2016



  1. Yesterday the Glenbrae School students went to the hall to watch a show called “ Shine a light.”
  2. The show was about a girl named Rosie. She had a magic mirror. She loved to read different kinds of books. Rosie read a interesting book about a leopard and a tiger who was versing. Rosie went through the magical mirror and then she saw the beautiful, wild jungle. After that she had a best friend named Richard. They started singing and dancing. Richard look into the magical mirror. He saw his reflection who was being mean to him, so he got his magical lamp and shone the light into his own reflection and his reflection was gone. Meanwhile it was almost finished. So they started to sing the last song for us. Everybody went back to their class.
  3. I feel happy because Rosie had a magic mirror.
Image result for magic mirror

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